Pointe Coupee Port And Industrial Park
The Pointe Coupee Port and Industrial Park is an 84-acre site on Lower Old River between the Old River Locks on the Mississippi River and the confluence of the Red River, Atchafalaya River and Lower Old River. This strategic location is approximately equidistant from Baton Rouge, Alexandria and Natchez, Miss. and is the only dock facility between Baton Rouge and Natchez, Krotz Springs and Alexandria.
Approximately a hundred acres of port-owned land with all utilities is available for development by port customers on the protected land side of the levee. Currently four private companies have sited at the port, including Louis Dreyfus, INC., grain elevator; Ouachita Fertilizer; Terral River Service (phone 225-492-2192) and the Tri-Parish Cotton Gin.
With a full-time port director to market the facility's services, business is increasing as shipping lines discover the port's advantages. Berthing costs are far less than at other ports, and port service for tugs and barges, including grocery orders, provisions and fuel, is very competitive.
The facility includes a floating barge, 300 foot, reinforced concrete finger dock, four mooring dolphins, 80-ton crane, access road and parking area.
Among the commodities loaded at the Pointe Coupee Port are grain, cotton, cottonseed for cattle feed, fertilizer and limestone. The facility can run simultaneous operations and is positioned to ship almost anywhere worldwide; north to the inland ports in the U.S. and south to Mexico and beyond through access to the Gulf lntracoastal Waterway System.
The port can handle most traffic with its navigational channel of 12-foot depth and 250 foot width. The Old River lock is 75 feet wide by 1,200 feet long and is maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which also keeps the area dredged.