October 2017

Be Aware of Scams

Scammers never stop and are always finding ways to separate you from your hard-earned money.

PC Electric often gets reports from members who have been taken advantage of by scammers using different cons to get personal information or cash in fraudulent ways.

Slaying Energy Vampires

Did you know that you’re sharing your home with “energy vampires” - electronic and electrical devices that continues to suck electricity even when turned off? On average, these items are responsible for an estimated 10 percent of the electricity you use every month.

Keep a safe distance when working around powerlines

Keep a safe distance from overhead power lines.

Whether you are playing outdoors with your children or working on landscaping projects, keep a safe distance from power lines and other equipment your co-op uses to get electricity to your home.

Always remember to:

October is National Cybersecurity Month

Sony, Target, Home Depot, Yahoo and even the U.S. Office of Personnel Management have all been attacked by cybercriminals.

Let’s face it: In today’s world, the cybersecurity threats plaguing our nation can seem overwhelming – and downright scary.

PC Electric Adopt a School
Save Energy with PC Electric
PC Electric Storm Prep Information